Attention !! We have our operations in Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. Please confirm authentication of the loan officer and local office before loan application and payment of any fee.


Message From MD

Sarat Chandra Das

Grameen Development & Finance Private Limited

Hello friends and well wishers!
Welcome to our website. We are glad to learn your interest to know about us. Grameen Sahara, a development support organization, was set up in the year 2002 and began its journey with development activities focusing on sustainable livelihood. In 2007 Grameen Sahara started microfinance activity in a very small way at Chhaygaon development block under Kamrup district of Assam. We started growing and have disbursed over Rs.1000 millions to 23,000 families in Assam, Meghalaya and Nagaland. We have got a strong committed team both at the head office as well as in the field offices. Grameen Sahara has got quite a few number of development programs on supporting livelihoods, employment, skills, and education.
Agriculture based livelihood has been a focus area. Including microfinance it has been able to reach 40,000 families. The development and livelihood programs are carried on by Grameen Sahara which is a not for profit Society. Whereas, financial services are being delivered through Grameen Development & Finance Pvt Ltd (GDFPL) incorporated under Companies Act 1956 and also registered as a Non Banking Finance Company – Microfinance Institution (NBFC-MFI) with Reserve Bank of India. Both the entities share a symbiotic relationship. Intended bottom lines and values are fulfilled through the actions of these institutions. Grameen Sahara and GDFPL work hand in hand to fulfill its mission. Whatever has been achieved would not have been possible without the support and guidance of our lenders, donors and well wishers. We have immensely benefitted by its experienced board who come from diverse fields. The hard work and commitment that our team members have put is highly commendable. Most importantly the beneficiaries and clients are the source of inspiration I take this opportunity to thank all of you including each of the board members, friends, well wishers, clients, beneficiaries and my colleagues for your / their support, cooperation and contributions in building the institution. We look forward for your continuous support and cooperation so that we can continue to keep our commitments to the poor and underprivileged families in the region. Thank you one and all! Hope you enjoyed browsing through our website!

Our Leadership BoD

Mr. Sarat Chandra Das

Managing Director
Sarat Chandra Das is a graduate in Agricultural Science from Assam Agricultural University and holds a PG Diploma in Rural Development. He is a Certified Expert in Microfinance (CEMF) from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and an MBA holder from the esteemed IIBM Institute of Business Management.
During his 15 years of experiences in the development sector and microfinance management he has been an asset to the associated organizations. He was associated with Rashtriya Grameen Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), Guwahati, for a period of 7 years in its core microfinance program where he worked in various capacities and finally became the operation head. He then associated himself with the industry association - Sa-Dhan, New Delhi with its financial standards group as a senior program executive and worked there for a year and a half. After Sa-Dhan he joined HDFC bank, corporate banking division, and looked after the agri and microfinance portfolio of the NER of India independently for a year.
Sri Sarat Ch. Das is one of the promoters of the company, GDFPL. Before joining as the Managing Director of the company, Mr. Das was leading Grameen Sahara - a development support organization running various development projects with professional management teams. In 2002, during his association with RGVN he founded Grameen Sahara and has been successfully managing various development projects. His vast experience in microfinance from field operation management to policy making and strategy formulation has helped the organization in achieving goodwill among the beneficiaries. Presently, Mr. Das is also holding the position of honorary Secretary of Grameen Sahara.

Mr. SK Baruah

Nominee Director
Srijib Kumar Baruah has a wide variety of qualifications like M.B.A., LL.B., and Associate Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He is currently the Executive Director of North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. and represents NEDFi in most of the NBFC-MFIs operating in North East Region. Mr. Baruah has been on board with GDFPL from 2014 as a Nominee Director and brings in with him vast knowledge and experience. His area of experience includes Civil Administration, Accounts, Company Secretarial Affairs, Human Resource Development, Legal & Recovery, Business Development, Consultancy & Advisory and Micro Finance.

Mr. Tilak Das

Independent Director
Shri Tilak Das is a graduate in Agricultural Science with Agricultural economics as specialized subject from Assam Agricultural University. During his illustrious career of over 35 years, Mr. Das attended various training programmes, seminars, and visited different places of India and abroad for exposure trainings. Some of his activities and achievements are as follows:
• Pioneered designing and implementing the process of electronic benefit transfer (EBT) of funds to beneficiaries under Direct Cash Transfer (DCT).
• Set up of Rural Skill Development Training Institutes (Rsetis) under the aegis of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India and Financial literacy centers and conducting financial literacy camps across the region.
• Developed bank credit model for financing value chain in the eco system of Tea growers in Assam, Strawberry and turmeric growers in Meghalaya, Floriculture in Mizoram and Tripura, Passion fruit , King chilies & turmeric growers in Manipur & Nagaland etc. • Participated in review and policy formulation meetings in rural credit, financial inclusion, SHG bank linkages of Reserve Bank of India, NABARD, Govt. of India and various State Governments.
• Implemented Business Process Reengineering initiatives at branches and centralized processing cells in North Eastern Circle as internal consultant to Mckinsey & Co and leader of implementation team for Business Process Re-engineering in the Bank.
• Attended as Guest faculty in Institute of Bank Management; National Institute of Rural Development; State Institute of Rural Development, Assam; Assam Administrative Staff College; and NIT Arunachal Pradesh.
• Attended Strategic Leadership Development Programme in IIM, Kolkata; Credit Management Programme at State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad; Intensive Technology Development Programme at State Bank Institute of Communications Management, Hyderabad; Neurological Linguistic Programming (NLP), by BIRD, Lucknow & IIBM, Guwahati.
• Visited Andhra Pradesh to study SHG movement as a core committee member of NRLM, Govt of Assam along with State and Central Govt. officials.
• Visited Bangladesh to study SHG movement by Bangladesh Gramin Bank and interaction with Nobel Laureate Prof Mohammed Yunus, sponsored by NABARD • Visited Germany & Netherlands for Agro business and agro-Processing in Organic farming, floriculture, cold chain and Commercial Dairy Value chains organized by Reserve Bank of India.
• Visited Renten Bank and Rabo Bank in Europe, organized by Reserve Bank of India.
Mr. Das retired as a Deputy General Manager and Head of Rural & Agri Business and outreach in State Bank of India, Local Head Office, North Eastern Circle, Guwahati. During his last assignment, he had the responsibilities of financial inclusion, SHG bank linkage, development of rural & agri business, lending to MFIs. He also was discharging the role of convener of lead bank in the region and monitored five Regional Rural Banks sponsored by State Bank of India, for the North eastern States. He has got over 35 years of experience with multiple responsibilities.

Dr. Tapan Chandra kalita

Dr.Tapan Chandra Kalita is widely recognized in the academic field as a distinguished zoology professor & Retd. Vice principal Dudhnai College in Goalpara, Assam. However, his expertise extends beyond academia. He has made significant contributions to child education and sericulture, showcasing his versatility and dedication to diverse areas of knowledge and service
Dr.Kalita's association with prestigious organizations underscores his commitment to community and societal development. He is notably affiliated with the Assam Science Society, which has been instrumental in spearheading various scientific and educational initiatives in the region. Furthermore, he has held substantial roles in other organizations, serving as an executive member of the Assam SisuSiksha Samiti, a Joint Coordinator of the Academic Council, and currently fulfilling the role of Vice President at the Teachers Kalyan Nidhi of Vidya Bharati.
In addition to his academic and social commitments, Dr.Kalita brings a wealth of experience and understanding in the finance sector. His financial expertise has proven invaluable for the Company, especially during its transitional phase. He served as Director during company’s initial years from 2012 to 2014. Dr.Kalita resigned from his directorial position at that time due to time constraints resulting from his commitments to Dudhnoi College. Dr.Kalita played a pivotal role when the Company underwent a significant transformation from an NGO to an NBFC-MFI, ensuring that its objectives remained aligned and its operations were efficiently streamlined.

A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business

Henry Ford

Client Speak
